Thursday, April 12, 2012

About TV and Videogames

Homework, computers and television

Your child’s eyes get a workout at home with computers, video games and homework. Make sure the rooms they work in are eye-friendly by reducing glare and offering soft overall lighting. Encourage periodic breaks from computer and video screens to give their eyes a much-needed break. Balance computer time with plenty of creative, outdoor and quiet play – their eyes and their growing bodies will thank you.
Remember – ensure your child sees an optometrist regularly!

Your child deserves to have all the vision skills they need to read, learn and play successfully. The only way you can be certain they have these skills is to see an optometrist annually. There is no substitute for a thorough eye exam just as there is no substitute for the precious gift that is your child’s vision. There’s no doubt – Your Child’s Eyes Deserve an Optometrist.

Monday, April 2, 2012